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Le Mans II
Mr. Horsepower !
Mr. Horsepower !
Le Mans II

Nombre de messages : 9623
Age : 89
Localisation : Borgoina eskualdeko paristar-Vaucluse Hérault Barcelona
Moto(s) : Guzzi Le Mans II KTM Adventure 1190 R
Motard depuis : Pendant le dernier millénaire
Date d'inscription : 14/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Pour les bidasses   Pour les bidasses EmptyVen 3 Juil - 12:58

1937 Front Drive Tracked Motorcycle Prototype

by Paul Crowe - "The Kneeslider" on 3/26/2009

in Concept Motorcycles, Motorcycle Design, Motorcycle Technology, Vintage MotorcyclesPour les bidasses Trackedmotorcycle2

1937 tracked military motorcycle prototype

Pour les bidasses Trackedmotorcycle5Tracked motorcycles are a continuous source of fascination and back in the early 20th century, numerous prototypes were being built, usually with military applications in mind. This one is new to me, it’s a 1937 Mercier, 1 of 3 prototypes built for the French military.

The obvious difference between this example and the others most of us have seen is the front track / front drive arrangement. A JAP (J.A. Prestwich) 350cc [color:89f0=#c00][color:89f0=#c00! important][color:89f0=#c00! important]engine is used for power running through a 3 speed [color:89f0=#c00][color:89f0=#c00! important][color:89f0=#c00! important]transmission.

This example, located in France, is currently for sale on eBay and there is no other information given with the listing though they say it works perfectly and from the looks of it, it was either kept in some museum or restored to its current condition.

Tracks on a motorcycle seem perilously close to a solution looking for a problem. Most any anticipated situation where something like this might be used, an off road motorcycle would probably work as well or better, certainly today, though perhaps not back in 1937, given the capabilities of an off road bike of the time. But back then, the spirit of invention was running full speed and all sorts of ideas were being tried. I think it’s neat.

More photos and link below: Pour les bidasses Trackedmotorcycle

1937 tracked military motorcycle prototype
Pour les bidasses Trackedmotorcycle4

1937 tracked military motorcycle prototype
Pour les bidasses Trackedmotorcycle3

1937 tracked military motorcycle prototype
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MessageSujet: Re: Pour les bidasses   Pour les bidasses EmptyVen 3 Juil - 14:12

Le Mans II a écrit:

Pour les bidasses Trackedmotorcycle3
Commandes reculées, bracelets : elle a sa place ici :app:

Chaussettes blanches : mais c'est Expresso! wav
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